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Showing posts from June, 2013

Smile and you will happy

Dear readers, sorry for not be in place for quite some times. A big changes and new titles 'popup' in my life Alhamdulillah. This time I took an article from iLuvIslam . It meant a lot for me at this moment and once it helped me to get rid from my endless unsecured feeling. By the grace of Allah, now it always accompany me day and night, not the article but the spirit behind it..SMILE ^_^ . Therefore, with hope that everybody else could also share the pleasant feeling, I share a quote by Imam At-Tarmizi. “Aku bertanya kepada ayahku (Saidina Ali) mengenai adab dan etika Rasulullah SAW terhadap orang yang bergaul dengan Baginda. Ayahku mengatakan: Baginda senantiasa tersenyum, budi pekerti lagi rendah hati, Baginda bukanlah seorang yang kasar, tidak suka berteriak-teriak, bukan tukang cela, tidak suka mencela makanan yang tidak disukainya. Siapa saja mengharapkan pasti tidak akan kecewa dan siapa saja yang memenuhi undangannya pasti akan sentiasa puas.” Here are some benef